
Friday, October 7, 2011


I sighed heavily as I continued to walk, head down, hands in my pockets, towards the door.
"Hey, Jaymie!" Someone called from behind me. I whipped around, bad idea in a crowded hall, I got a few "watch it"s and "move"s  and even an "ow" from someone I nailed with my bag.
"Sorry.." I said as I looked around to see who the caller was. It was Jake of course, from my next class. He always walked me up the stairs and sat by me in class. He was jogging towards me, smiling and dodging, sometimes unsucessfully, the people around him as he tried to get to me. I just stood there and smirked a bit.
"What's up, Jake?" I said flatly and without emotion. Puzzled at my uncaracteristic tone, he gave a quizical look before answering,
"Nothing..." he let his voice trail as he caught up to me "You ready for class?" he said, finally reaching me.
"I mean, I did the homework...but other than that, not really. I really just want to go home." I looked at my phone again to avoid his piercing gaze that always made me alittle uncomfortable.
"I understand, I guess." he said quietly. We started to walk then in silence for a few moments.
"Mr. Heckle is supposed to have half lecture today and the rest is the lab." he said with hopeful hint in his voice, hoping to get me at least a little happy, no doubt.
"Cool." I said bluntly and kept staring ahead. I knew I was being a bit mean but I really didn't feel too awesome today. I honestly don't know why but I seem to feel this way alot lately. We reached the door and he held it open for me and then followed me out.
"Thanks." I said quietly and he smiled a little.
"Yea his lectures make me so tired, he seriously needs to learn how to teach. I don't remember half the stuff he says." he was grasping so hard to catch my attention. Usually I would say something like, 'Yea he deffinately needs some classes...and we should nominate him for What Not to Wear.' Mr Heckle kindof had a wardrobe issue. He was always wearing his fourty year old blazer with moth bitten holes on the side with a crazy-striped sweater underneath, his unmatching grayish sweat pants, socks with strap sandles,  and his broken glasses sliding down his nose every time he talked.
"Yea, I guess." we reached the next building and he held the door open for me again. Jake is so nice, probably the ideal guy you would want to date but I guess I just wasn't in the mood and when I didnt thank him this time his confidence seemed to deflate. We walked in silence up the stairs and to the classroom, sitting in our usual chairs that sat next to each other but not saying anything while the rest of the class was chattering about the projects they were working on. I stared blankly ahead waiting for the professor to come in. A few times I cought out of the corner of my eye Jake open his mouth to talk but then quickly close it and doodle on the back of the seat in front of him. I streatched and looked up to the ceiling, the flourescent lights making my eyes ache a bit.
               Suddenly a middle aged woman stalked into the classroom and stood in front of the class. It scared me and I jumped a  bit, I could hear Jake quietly chuckle but then fall silent because this woman glared at him. We all straightened up and stared at her as she obviously was going to talk.
"Hello, my name is Miss Kranton, I will be filling in for Mr. Heckle today." she said blatantly and turned to the chalk board to start writing something. I could feel the eminant question hanging in the air around me but it felt like everyone was too scared to ask it.


  1. This is really good I really like it. I love the descriptive sentences and dialogue. Keep it up your doing awesome! (:

  2. Guess it would help if I read the story frontwards instead of backwards...
