
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

"Howdy, Yall" - Central Coast, California. Mid-State Fair

           How vast seems the sea when you break through the mountains and finally reach the coast. California is one of the most riveting geological locations in the country, you can be literally swimming in the ocean in the morning and by the afternoon be snowboarding down a mountain without a care in the world. Driving up to and up the coast of California is the most beautiful depiction of what heaven must be like. Driving through the mountains, passing the fruit fields and rural America, singing at the top of your lungs while the sun beats down on your face – there is nothing like the feeling of California in summer.
Coming from the suburbs of Los Angeles in the valley you have to drive up and out to get to the Pacific Coastal Highway that leads north. Highway 126 is a country road that leads to Santa Barbara; it is nestled between the mountains, which are covered with green shrubs, fruit fields and vineyards.  The smell of fresh fruit and flowered trees fills the air, you cannot resist but to keep the windows down and experience the freshness of the earth. The mountains climb steeply up to points and when the sun hits them just right they look like golden satin blankets freshly lain out on top of pillows. There are farmer’s stands that dot the highway which have some of the freshest, organic fruit you can get, we stopped at one briefly for some apples and honey sticks before continuing on into the afternoon, deeper into the mountains and closer to the ocean.
We finally broke past the mountains and could feel the change in the air as it became more salty and earthy, it had just rained briefly so we were getting a wonderful fresh mixture of wet bark and foamy brine.  My two friends, one whose house we were headed to and the other an age old friend from back home who had never experienced California before, were taking in the scenery as we pealed off onto the PCH or highway 101. You almost feel as though you have to hold your breath, you know that the houses on your left are just barely hiding the ocean and you are just craning your neck to try to see it – it’s so close! As you round the corner of houses it comes into view as if you are opening your eyes for the first time, it feels like a bright reflective light just passed in front of you lighting the way. It calmly laps on the shore and you race the tide along the highway. The great cliffs reach up hundred of feet high, as if they are going to topple over onto you, plunging into the road that is sturdily keeping the two worlds – mountain and ocean – from mixing together. Houses are enfolded in the cliffs and you have mixed feelings of envy and happiness for them that they get to wake up every day to look out over this beautiful vast ocean.
As we drove up the coast the sounds of the road became background while the birds and ocean took over, Santa Barbara flowed past as we continued onto our destination – Central Coast, California. Clouds were rolling in from the ocean but the sun beat down on the hood of my little red car as we listened to my friend from back home wonder at the sights he has never seen before. We timed it just perfect, as the sun was slipping slowly down towards the horizon and the air shimmered orange, we broke over a big hill that got us high enough to be able to see miles down the breaking coastline. Palm trees lined the beach and hung over people who were lazily lounging underneath.
As we got closer to San Louis Obispo area we had to stop at Pismo Beach, one of the most beautiful and relaxing beaches around. The beach town was streaming with people and miraculously we were just lucky enough to get a parking spot right as another family was leaving for the day. The walk down to the beach is riddled with beach stores and some of the best restaurants you could want. We stopped at this place called Splash Café which had the best clam chowder I’ve ever had, served overflowing in a bread bowl. Pismo beach was teaming with people today, most of them relaxing during the California Mid-State Fair which was our final destination. We had a few moments to take in the sights before heading out and continuing our trek up the coastline, the sand welcomed our heavy feet and tried to convince us to stay a while. After purchasing a famous Pismo Poncho, we made our way back to the car and pushed forward.
The drive the rest of the way was practically completely uphill, massive grades that are sometimes the death of cars that cannot huff and puff their way up. Frequently you will see stranded people waiting for their tow service. Every time we climb the grade it feels like a metaphor for life, once you make your way completely up the hill you are able to then glide down, relaxing while you enjoy the scenery. The mountains that encompass you as you journey are magnificently stark, they are so tall and yet seem gentle against the sky.  Depending on the time of year, it either feels like a golden African prairie land or beautiful green German countryside. There is livestock along the side of the road that have no care or concern that you are hurrying to your destination.
As you get closer and closer to Atascadero – where the State Fair is housed - The great Hurst Castle rises out from the hills in the plains and keeps watch over the lands. The herds of animals roam the fields, zebras, horses and all sorts of exotic animals that you would never expect to be housed there. The Madonna Inn, one of the most exorbitant inns this side of the country, flashes pink along the roadside – you almost miss it if you aren’t looking for it.
Finally we reach Atascadero, our home for the evening and next day. The three hour drive was more tedious than it should have been, the excitement only to begin. Dropping the bags off at the house and throwing on the cowboy boots we couldn’t wait another minute. Freshened up and back in the car we bolted for the food that would clog your arteries in minutes, the rides that would make you lose it all and the dancing that would make you feel like you won the evening. Feeling lucky to be alive we excitedly met with our friends and burst into the gates. What to do first, we couldn’t decide, so we started with what we knew best – the food.
The California Mid-State Fair is a quite diverse fair. There are so many different types of foods to chose from along with the normal deep-fried EVERYTHING. We started off with something light, fried pickles, funnel cakes and lemonade before heading off to look at exhibits. The night was already in full swing with Keith Urban at the big stage, people were swarming from place to place, games and rides, food and beer. This was a place to be seen and a place to feel like you were at home. The watering hole towards the end of the strip was where everyone was, you couldn’t get too far into the group of people but you sure did try. Swing dancing and laughing the whole way, we pushed our way though to the front, people were being thrown around and no one cared, it was a massive party and a happy environment.
There were cowboys and businessmen, ladies and rednecks, kids and old people talking to each other and scoping the scene, no one held back their emotions as they whooped and hollered, pulling their friends through the crowd and tipping their hats to the pretty lady that crossed their path. As the hours wore on we all were getting tired, we had danced the whole time and could not move anymore and sat down right before taking off. My friends went to grab something to drink and eat while I opted to hold our spot at the table while they got.
“Excuse me, Ma’am, but you were lookin’ pretty lonely over here. Would you like to dance?” mortified I looked up to see a tall, handsome cowboy reaching his hand out to me.
“Well, I…” didn’t have words, “Sure.” I half smiled as I took his hand. He grinned as he spun me around and took me out to dance. I couldn’t believe how good he was, I have always had a problem with following but maybe that was just because I danced with guys that didn’t know how to lead. It was like magic and I knew it looked good. I could barely look at him in the eyes I was so impressed. I knew I was blushing the entire time. After a couple songs I caught a glimpse of my friends who were all beaming and whispering back at the table with their mountain of fried unmentionables – thank goodness the song just ended. After thanking him and returning to the table I knew that this would be a night I would never forget.   

Monday, July 6, 2015

"MARK!" - Hollywood Boulevard, California.

There are few cities in America that captivates the mind and soul of experience such as Los Angeles – the city is overflowing with people from all around the country and the world who have come to make their dreams come true. Though they come to “make it big”, that phrase has a different meaning to all those that partake in life in the City of Angels; to some it means being recognized on the street, and to others it means being a big player in one of the massive industries that resides here. But to most every person that lives in this city, “making it big” means to find who you are and who you were meant to be while experiencing life along with those that are chasing their dreams – it is a city of stars but not just celebrities. The stars that make up this city are the hopes and dreams that make pictures everywhere you turn in the city, with every person you see you know that their story has been written in the concrete walls here and painted in the sand. If you cannot see the inspiration you should probably take your hands away from your eyes and look into the filigree of the city’s people and their accomplishments and failures. No dream was ever accomplished without those two aspects and Hollywood’s beauty cannot be seen unless it is viewed through the spectacles of experience.
          After searching for about forty-five minutes for a free spot to park, which usually is only two hour parking, you are already exhausted and frustrated with people in general.  It feels like a stampede and though you are safe in your car you know that you are about to willingly enter the angry herd of animals. It’s exciting when you get off on Highland and pass the Hollywood Bowl and Massive church because you know you are close to where all the great minds in Hollywood have created your favorite movies and music. The buildings weirdly welcome you, with Jennifer Aniston and Tom Cruise’s face smiling down to beckon you to watch their competing movies as the people walk down the street practically skipping to no place in particular except a fun day – this is Hollywood.
We give up on trying to find parking on the street and pull into a sketchy parking garage that is ten dollars for the whole day – a small price to pay for piece of mind and supposed “safety”. Even the garage was teaming with people as they make their way to the outside, though we all looked excited, every one of us was a bit nervous at the vast amounts of people desperate for the experience of Los Angeles.
         It’s a little dirty stepping out into the alleyway that leads you to the main street but somehow you don’t feel like it could get any worse and you start to become comfortable – any city gets this way no matter where you are. Once you are out on the street it becomes a lot more real that you are able to finally experience something of the city. When you round the corner, passing a strong-smelling Mediterranean restaurant, you get your first glance at the red stars against the black sidewalk. A bit of excitement jumps inside of you, realizing that the sketchy trek there was worth it. People are flooding everywhere, taking pictures of the flashing signs and colorful stores that line Hollywood Boulevard. No matter how long you have lived in LA, you can always appreciate the massive undertaking of what this street represents to this city and to the world. This is the “Hall of Fame” for the entertainment industry, it is the world-famous street that speaks of success and of the impact that has been made. It was people who lived and breathed this air and walked these streets that made the world what it is today, who created the songs that you sing in the car and the movies that you quote every day. This is the cultural place to honor those who have “made it”.
        It’s definitely an experience walking down Hollywood Boulevard on a Friday afternoon at the beginning of summer. Everyone is here on vacation and you most definitely can tell whose here to play and whose here because they have to be. Hollywood is a city mixture of people from all over; it’s one of the only places you can be a tourist and feel like you belong there, because you are a part of the culture no matter what country you hail from. A mob of Asians pass by, taking pictures and dangerously sticking their “selfie sticks” out in the middle of the crowd to get their picture by a famous person’s star. It is sobering to take in the buildings and how much they add to the aura of the place. Madame Tussaude’s Wax Museum and realize that that is as close to touching a star as you can actually get here unless you are lucky enough to see them walking down the street. The Grauman’s Chinease Theater, where the handprints reside, is literally packed with people taking pictures and squealing with delight as they find their favorite actor’s prints and place their hands in their hands – like they are actually touching the actor or actress themselves.
        Stores line the sidewalk, filled with souvenirs, smoke paraphernalia, jewelry… everything you could want in typical California souvenir that says “I came to LA and experienced everything, be jealous”. You have to dodge the people that are handing out their mix tapes and posters to their exclusive concerts (which are in a small venue at the back of a restaurant usually). Tour bus representatives hand you fliers and promise to take you by the homes of the most famous celebrities and every one of them guarantees that they have the best price in town. There are diners and restaurants everywhere, beckoning to you with the good smells and hopping music, people pour in because of the heat and out because of the crowds. As crazy as it all sounds it is the biggest rush, you feel a part of the madness and it makes you feel like you fit in.
        After waiting for almost an hour to grab some food and a drink from at Mel’s Diner, we were ready to head back to madness that is the Boulevard. My friends and I excited to catch the new movie playing at the Grauman theater – my first time ever inside. There were people flocking everywhere and big trucks that looked like moving trucks parked all along the street we were walking. As we passed the back ends we peaked in to see about four men unloading mass amounts of cabling and lights.
        “What are you guys doing?” my friend asked one of the workers who was standing off to the side counting down a spread sheet. He nodded at us to hold on while he spoke into his walkie talkie microphone.
        “All lights accounted for here, you’re going to have to check truck two for it, Joe. Were on air in two hours.” He sounded frustrated and didn’t seem interested in us at all. He yelled at the other guys in the truck before turning back to us. “Red carpet tonight, don’t miss it.” He winked and then headed up the sidewalk to Hollywood Boulevard.
        “Are you kidding me?” we all were beaming as we quickly shuffled straight towards the boulevard. People were crowding around the huge entryway to the Dolby Theater; the red carpet was laid out with metal barricades to keep the pedestrians and photographers back. No one was on the carpet yet but people dressed in black were busy making sure everything was set up correctly. We saw the guy that talked to us back at the truck and waved at him, he smiled but didn’t acknowledge us other than that.
        “Let’s get our tickets right now, we don’t want to lose our seats in there.” I said as I was trying to pull them away, they were reluctant but it would be two hours before anything would be happening. Red carpets can last for an hour or so, I knew we could get into the movie and come out right on time. I finally pulled them away long enough to get them excited again about the theater we were going to. The Chinese Grauman Theater is the most famous theater in Hollywood, of course, not only because of the hand prints that patch the entire front walkway but also because any movie that has made it large anywhere has been shown at the Grauman. This theater is how they showcase a movie; make it a total body experience. The point of film is to take over a majority of the senses such as sight, touch, and hearing, especially with the IMAX screen you see nothing but the movie that is being played, you can practically feel every movement of the camera and hear every sound due to the state-of-the-art sound system. The excitement of being able to have a full body experience as if you are practically inside the world that is being portrayed is exhilarating.
        When you walk into the Grauman it is quite dark and enchanting, there are eight foot tall cases that have different iconic movie costumes forever on display for the world to see. There is the Dorothy dress from The Wizard of Oz and Marilyn Monroe's white dress from her iconic manhole grate picture. As you step around the front room you are able to see the vast amount of talent encased and bottled up into one timeless piece of art; there is a sort of deep respect that you feel from looking at these pieces because with your memory of the movie you are picturing the character with the costume and it brings back memories of your life when you watched the movie. A movie, in a sense, is a timeless memory that you can relive over and over again, it is a work of art that brings you into a world other than your own - it is the ultimate form of produced imagination. 
         The movie let out and we bolted for the door, the Red carpet has been going on for a few minutes and we didn’t want to miss a thing. There was a sea of people, on their tiptoes, trying to reach their gaze high enough to see who was coming out onto the carpet. The best thing about being five foot tall is that people practically push you to the front so that you can see and the person in front of them is small enough to see over. I felt like a vicious rat, weaseling my way through the crowd and pushing out close to the front. I lost all but one of my three friends but did not care in the slightest. The barricades were just two feet from us and we were almost able to see the carpet at this point, a large man behind us helped to push people aside as we squirmed amid the sardine-packet walkway.
         Cameras were flashing, it was a lightning storm that could make you go blind; everyone was talking over each other and screaming as they saw new celebrities step out onto the carpet. We could barely see what was going on, no one would let us through at this point, everyone was pushing and trying to get to the front and just as soon as we made a way, when we looked back the path was completely closed, there was no way out. I clutched my phone in one hand and my friends hand in the other as I crouched down, dangerously trying to go that way through the crowd to the end of the red carpet; maybe it would be less crowded. My friend complained as people stepped on her feet and hit her with their elbows and knees as we clawed our way through like moles underground.
         “I’m going up.” I said to my friend as I started to rise up so that I could see where we were in regards to the end of the step and repeat and media interview section. On my right the barricades were within reaching distance and I knew we were at least close. People were still pretty packed but I felt like I could breath at this point. I turned towards the carpet and froze. Two feet from me stood Mark Wahlberg. It took everything in me to not scream. He was just finishing up his last interview and was geared up to run inside the theater with his bodyguard. I was speechless; he was so much different in real life. He looked the same but he was shorter than I had imagined and he seemed a bit older. It is quite fascinating to see what the camera can do to an individual.

         “MARK!” my eyes got wide and spun around to quiet my friend, she kept yelling for him, I looked back mortified and caught the last glimpse of him as he waved, looking at us, and disappeared into the building in front of his body guard. The thrill of a lifetime.